Friday, July 16, 2010

Three Idiosyncratic Facts about Yourself

For our first class blog activity, I would like you to list 3 interesting facts or details about yourself. Think of this as a follow-up to our in-class "Finding Something in Common" conversation activity. Try to think of 3 facts about yourself that you didn't talk about on the second day of class, or simply talk a little more about what you already shared with your classmates in the first week of class. Please write your three "things" about yourself by Tuesday, July 20th (you have until midnight on Monday--the 19th--to do this task), so when we come to class on Tuesday (7/20), people know they can go to the class blog that day and read everyone's comments.Okay, I will begin....

Three things about me are:

1) I am a twin! I have a twin brother, Paul, who was actually born 2 minutes before I was. Surprisingly, my mother did not know she was pregnant with twins (at that time doctors did not have the technology we have now to tell a pregnant woman the sex of her child or if she had a multiple birth, etc... Doctors were just beginning to use ultrasounds). So when I was born, it was a real shock! Now my older sister, Diana, also has twin daughters. Their names are Athena and Celeste (they are each eight years old). I think twins run in my family--my grandfather (on my father's side) was also a twin!!

2) If you don't already happen to know this about me, I love chocolate. I am an official chocoholic! One of my favorite things to eat is homemade chocolate chip cookies, especially Toll House chocolate chip cookies (this is an American food company--click on the link to read the recipe). I love to make them--cooking cookies, cakes, sweet things relaxes me--and I even enjoy eating the dough (the uncooked ingredients mixed together) as much as the baked cookies. When I was a child, every time my family went to the ice cream parlor for an ice cream cone, I always ordered the exact same flavor--Double Fudge!! In English, we have an apt expression for this--to have a sweet tooth. Thus, I definitely have a sweet tooth.

3) I am half-Dutch (my father was born in Holland). He came over to the United States when he was a small boy. Like many European families in the 1940's, his family came to the United States during World War II to escape the perils of Nazism. When my father was eighteen years old, he chose to be an American citizen; as a result, that is also my citizenship. Dutch people are notorious for being very tall. However, I am also part Italian and Irish (from my mother's side). Needless to say, I did not get the "tall genes" in my family. I am only a few inches above average height for an American woman. However, my two older sisters are very tall. My sister, Diana, is over six feet tall!! She has no problem standing out in a crowd. Because I am half-Dutch and lived in Spain for six years, this year's World Cup finals in soccer were especially poignant for me. I could not really lose because each team represented a country I have an intimate connection to.

Okay, that's my first post! Now all you need to do is click on the comments box that follows this post, and, in the form of a comment, type whatever you feel is appropriate and leave 3 interesting details about yourself (you will most likely need to provide your google account user name and password when leaving a comment). You need only write 1-3 sentences for each of the facts about yourself, or write more if you feel comfortable doing so. If you wish, and already know how to publish your own post, feel free to post your "Three Things about Myself" on the blog. However, leaving a comment is all I require for now, so keep it simple and clear. Have fun! Feel free to come back to the class blog to read your classmates' comments as they post them. You may also comment on what they have said if you wish to.



  1. 1)I sort of admired you when I read your first fact--twins run in your family, for a single child like me always feel lonely at home; of course, I have cousins, and they are all boys, but cousins strongly differ from twins to some degree. However, I have gotton used to it. By the way, boys run in my family.

    2)good to know that you are a chocoholic. I like chocolate too, especially that kind with great sweat, which tasts very good and which can offer enormous energy to my brain and body.

    3)I am not extroverted, but introverted. That is why I rarely speak and keep silent and thinking so much. Lately, I am confused about a paradox, that is, I am curious about why I find nearly nothing worthy of being curious about. Maybe, that is also why lots of my friends in my country think I am strange. Even someone thinks I am aloof and detached. I don't know why...but ultimately my best friends told me I am nice... I hope so...

  2. 1) I love movies. When i turn on the Tv, I alway try to find movie chennel. I really like movie whatever it will be. Well last semester, I attend alexandra's film class and I watch 'Spanglish'. It's a good movie. So I recommend to you guys.

    2) I working out everyday. Well, I tried to. For me, Working out is like my habit and a game at the same time. You know, when you play the game, the warrior start with his (or her) weak sword or something. As getting he trained, he is getting stronger and powerful. Working out is similar to me. As I doing working out, I can lift more heavier, like lever-up. It is fun. BTW what is different between working out and exercise?

    3) Have you ever seen sunset in here? It's great. You can see the sunset more clearly than city because there is no big building here. It's such beautiful. You can see the sunset about 8pm nowadays. Sometimes it knock me out. I think wherever it will be, its sunset is beautiful. If you didn't see the sunset, just try.

  3. The three things about me:

    1_ I love drawing and paiting. I started doing it since I have memory; When I was a little girl my father tought me how to draw some figures, like animals, houses and later I used to draw my favorites cartoons (mickey mouse, goofy, etc). Subsequently, I took art clases at High school and University where I learned how to draw human figures. During the time I was taking art clases at high school, my parents gave to me, as a present, a huge pencils box with lots of diferent tones and colors of pencils. I used those pencils for many years, and I am still keeping some of them as a special reminder. This pencils have a lot of value for my because I felt supported by my parents in that oportunity, I felt like I could do whatever I wanted and they would stand by me. Currently, I love to draw, but I don`t have much time to do it. Sometimes I draw for give a gift to somebody special for my ( I like to make gift cards ) or when I feel sad.

    2_ As you know, my ethnicity is "Mapuche". The Mapuche people used to live in the south of South America (Chile and Argentina), and in the time of the spanish colonization they resisted with courage and bravery for many years. The Mapuche culture has is own language, called "Mapudungun", and actually my last name, Vilo, means "Snake" in the Mapuche language. Also in Chile we use many word taken from the Mapuche language, but we use them so frecuently and so naturally that nobody really knows that. Also, Many cities and towns have names taken from the Mapuche culture. Unfortunately, be a Mapuche is not so good in my country; some of the mapuche people who still live the ancestral culture are living poorly because of discrimination and the loose of the ancestral lands. However, I am proud to have this ancestry, and I really like the spiritual connection with the earth and the nature of the Mapuche culture. Also, my aunt is teaching me some Mapuche artesandry, weaving on Mapuche loom. By the way, the Mapuche new year is on June 24th because on this date begins the winter in Chile.

    3_ Another thing about me is that I love movies, specially science fiction movies. I enjoy so much Terminator, Matrix, X-men (I like Marver comics), The lord of the rings, Artificial Intelligence...etc, and now I am dying for watch "Inception" (the new movie of Di caprio, a mix of Matrix and James Bond). I like this kind of movies because I feel incredibly inspired and my creativity flow away....
    I also like to watch documentals about the Universe, how could be the life in other planets and the posibilities of travel through the time. I think I feel fascinated by the things that human being cannot do yet.


  4. three things about me:
    1)I have a cousin who came to America with me,so I feel better than that came here with no one, we can help each other in daily life or in studying. He is also studying in IEC school now. we are ready to go to undergraduate of Stony Brook.

    2) I love to travel. I want to be roamer. Europe is my yearning place, as the result, I should be a good speaker as possiable as I can. I want to see the Eiffel Tower which is the most famous sight in Paris. I also wanna watch a real soccer match in France. Traveling Europe is my dream.

    3) Another thing for me, I like to listen music , especially aubade music. Do you know Bandari? Bandari music stems form Iran's south, it is a rhythmic type of dance music, i like it a lot

  5. Hi everyone!
    I'm not really sure if i have a specific 3 things about me but I'm gonna try to do my best.

    First of all I have to say that i have a fobia.I am extremely afraid of all kinds of insects. Especially cockroaches.!! Unfortunately my hometown is very hot and humid during the summer so it's very usual to see them on the streets at night. That's a big problem for me; I might even get professional help for that one day.

    Well I know that seas and oceans has their own kinds of insects inside the water however I am a sea lover. We have a summer house which is pretty close to my hometown. We usually go there at the weekends and I remember the days that I used to swim for more that six hours. I love water and being in the water I guess.It gives me a sort of relief.

    Driving a car also makes me feel better most of the times. When I was around thirteen I was begging my dad for teaching me how to drive. He started to take me to the roads away from the traffic and thought me how to use a stich shift car. It was the biggest issue for me at those days and I really had a hard time till I figured it out completely. After that I started to enjoy driving a car and today I still love it so much.

  6. Wow! Some nice and compelling ideas are being already posted on this blog. By the way, Claudia, my husband and I are also dying to see "Inception." My twin brother just saw it today (Sunday) and really enjoyed it. I'm glad there are also other chocoholics in this class, such as Justin. I might even bring some chocolate chip cookies into class one day, so you can all experience the quintessential American chocolate chip cookie. I also love to drive stick shift like Damla. I could tell you some stories of what I went through to learn how to drive manually. Let's just say a very good friend had the "patience of a saint" as we say in English and was able to teach me how to drive shift when I bought my first car. As a result, when I lived in Spain, I found myself often glad I could drive stick shift because, unlike in America, most of the cars were manual and not "automatic." Keep blogging and feel free to comment on each other's ideas or posts.

  7. Three Idiosyncratic facts about yourself

    Three things about Melody are:

    1.I have a very severe migraine with my left head. When I was a junior high school student, the first strong headache happened to me. I had no idea how this headache would be caused until I went to see a doctor. Last year, I was still a financial researcher in the private company. I had the most badly migraine at that time. My head nerve pulled suddenly each second. I could not stop it!! Finally, I went to the hospital to detect my head condition with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). However, the doctor said I was fine with my head. Only if I take too many stresses and pressures, the migraine will come out. Right now, I learn to relieve the pressures by taking exercise and not to take everything too seriously. I think the migraine could be heritage because my mom has this health problem like me.

    2.I have mentioned in the class that Jay Chou is my favorite singer. I would like to tell more details about how I love him. Actually, I am not the crazy fan who may catch up a supper star’s schedule everyday. I bought his every album since his music is diversity. For example, he uses the traditional music to the popular music, and he tries to put different music elements to his songs. He is not only a singer and album maker but also actor and director of the movie. That’s why I love him so much!! In addition, I attended his two concerts during these ten years. The first concert was held on October 2nd, 2004, when is my birthday. I could not forget that my mom gave me a permission to attend the concert as a present. And then, the second concert was happened this June before coming to the State. This concert is very important for me and for Jay Chou because this is his tenth years in the music field and he accompanied me for ten years. When we reviewed the old and new songs, I was cried.

    3.Before coming to the State, I had an opportunity to be a model in my life. Being a model is one of my dreams, but I am too short and have no outstanding face looking, so I gave it up. Nevertheless, I met a wedding secretary who works on the bridal style. We took about three to four hours to make-up, dress, and take pictures. The most important thing is that I did not need to pay any money and had an opportunity to take those beautiful photo profiles because she just wanted to practice with different faces. She told me that I am a great model even though I did not have the formal training and I know how to show the emotions and how to post the gestures. At the end of the work, she asked me that if there was a chance, I could go back to be her model after going back to Taiwan. My pleasure!!

  8. I gottit now what I have to do :D
    (I have had no idea how I can do online assignment)

    here is mine.

    1) First of all I like to be familier with other people. Since when I was in korea (i'm korean) when ever I met some foreigners in tennis courts, I always said to them hellow, and became friends.
    I know there are so many nice people in our class and this Univ, I already became good firends with other people who I never seen before, but I want to be familier with all of my class mates, in clude Alexandra, so let's get fun! this summer!!

    2) second, I love summer. I love going to beach, tenning,or shing sunshine. they make me happy.
    I also love to playing sports at summer, because playing in the summer is more safer for gerring injury than other wether. I don't need to warm up in summer :D,we should be careful for playing sports under strong sunlight though.
    I don't know how about this place wether is going on.
    but very satisfied until today.

    3) finally, I love working out too like klaus. I feel the same way with him, also I like playing basketball. I played basketball at this university about 2 times ( It was one of the reason that I late today )and that was great!! I imagined that many of american guys easily dunk at the basket and they will huge, so I gessed I would not play with them.
    But I find out I can play with them.
    eventhoug I could'nt understand all of their saying,
    I felt they also enjoyed to play with me.
    So if there are some oppertunity, I hope play basketball with my class mates ^ ^.

    thanks for reading my pool writing.

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  10. Serena is finally here!

    Well, three facts about me will be:

    First, I love nature, and I'd love to try out everything that is related to it, such as camping, hunting (if it's possible), fishing in the sea or lake, swimming in the ocean( it's a kind of dangerous for me, maybe sea is more realistic), diving( I am dying to try this) and any other activities that you could think of. I think nature is amazing. People will never know enough about it, and it always surprises the human in all kinds of ways, no matter it is good or not. And nature is also tolerant, she will satisfy every of your requirements as long as you are willing to join her and be friendly with her. Plus, staying in nature makes me feel at home. Such as swimming in the water gives me a feeling of freedom and carefree. But it's not gonna happen if you find me live in a poor house in the countryside or forest. However, I've already adapted to the living standard in city and will have a hard time getting used to the live in the suburb, since it is inconvenient. Well, I'm not referring to Stony Brook. But I really want to have an opportunity living in the countryside, forest or farmyard, just for a few days I guess.

    Second, I love movies too. And I am easily moved by them. I think movies can really tell a kind of phenomenon or culture or emotion or thinking or.. whatever, using its own language.Its pictures togather with the sounds make the literaly story vivid and impressive. I think the most attractive thing about watching a movie is that you can really join in the story, your heart beat togather with the characters and you can feel the things the directors are trying to express.

    Third, I have a complicated feeling about writing a diary. I used to enjoy writing something everday to express my feelings and keep the memories. I told my diary all my feelings and secrets and I'm pretty sure that this diary will accompany me for the rest of my life. But one day, one of my classmates read a part of it out of curiosity. Obviously he had no idea how important it was to me. I gave up writing diary since then, and I am always afraid of writing something related to my private feelings. Is that a kind of phobia?

    I think that is all for today, and thanks for reading.
    Wish you guys have a great day!

  11. Serena:

    I don't think it is a phobia if you feel hesitant about writing in your diary again. It is natural that you would feel a bit "gunshy" (unsure about doing something after a negative experience)about writing down your personal thoughts after someone has invaded your privacy in that way. Maybe, with time, you will feel comfortable writing in your diary again.


    I would say the bad weather is hitting right now. The heavens are "breaking open" as I type, so no sunbathing for you today! Let's hope the weather improves....


    Your modeling experience sounds exciting! Also, in English we would say that your migraine headache is a hereditary health condition since your mother passed it down to you.


    Keep blogging and I'll see you tomorrow.


  12. the three idiosyncratic facts about Lisha:

    1) I love all the art form. Once things are connected to art, such as, singing, dancing, painting, reading, writing, designs, performing,musical instrument, shooting photos, literiture especially poet like Alexandra does,philosophy,etc. I love it all. It is said man is a visual animal, but I think I am a visual animal. my parents always recalled that I am a child with wide interests and humour. I'm so busy since I found out I was so interested in everything. I had tried to record a famous children song when I was 8, and they paid me about 7dollars. I was so excited at that time because it's the first time I made money by myself even though it's not that much. And after that, I begin to write online fiction when I was in high school. I signed a contract with a tiny novel company and they paid me according to the followers who read my fiction. After 1 year, the company is closed and the website disappeared, but I keep writing everyday. Meanwhile, I had learned piano for 4 years and drawing for 3 years which is not that long as Claudia does. It's very impressive to learn painting because it started from how to draw a straight line with your hands. I learn some truth and good habbit from drawing like practice make perfect. I think Claudia and I should have a discussion some day. Lastly, the only pity is I didn't learn clothing design. I love design with such a voracious appetite!! After all, I enjoy the fun that arts bring to me. Let's go to the museum together.

    2)I'm a kind of double personality. there is a explaination on Wikipedia is called Dissociative identity disorder. I can have totally opposite personality in the same time. For example, Sometimes I am out-going and always seem no worries at all, but sometimes i am quiet,shy and not demonstrative.I think sometimes I can not tell people clearly who am I and what I want. I'm so good at writing(just in Chinese) that I have a clear logic and I can explain things well. But turning into oral speaking, its like I was afraid something, I don't even know why I couldn't explain it clearly what am I really think.It is explained this is becuase people had a childhood trauma. I guess I was so, because I was sent to a extreme boarding school without any relatives and teachers always hit me hard just if I can't memorize the 9x9 math form.

    3)tavel&Starbucks.Like every girl like chocolate and dessert, I like to go to starbuck every day to order a cup of CARAMEL MACCHIATO!!! I feel relaxed and enjoyable to be quiet and sitting in the crowd with my favourite coffee. And I never change my favour, CARAMEL MACCHOATO FOREVER! It's a kind of special meaning for me cause every country every city have Starbuck, go anywhere, "starbucks anywhere". It contains all of my memory. I like travel just as I like Starbuck. If some day you see a tiny girl who is holding a venti starbuck cup with a camera in somewhere, it must be me.

  13. Oops, I found so many typing and grammar mistakes, but I also found that I can't edit my comment.I left a "s" in the word "starbucks" and it should be "holding a venti Starbucks cup with a camera somewhere" and "I couldn't explain clearly what am I really thinking"... ...

  14. Lisha--

    You did a fine job with your explanations. I love Starbucks as well and have been drinking grande iced lattes lately because of all the hot weather!


  15. 1- I was born in a village located next to the ancient city of Ur in southern Iraq. The city of Ur was the first city in the world, and dates to the 5000 B.C. Once a coastal city near the mouth of the Euphrates river . This unique and historical environment leads and encourages me to attend department of archaeology in Baghdad University in order to understand the ancient daily life of the Sumerian's society, and all ancient Iraqi civilizations. Sumer was a civilization and historical region in southern Mesopotamia, modern Iraq. It is the earliest known civilization in the world and is known as the Cradle of Civilization.
    2- I have a son, his name is Uruk, and he has five years old. His name is traced back to the oldest dynasty in Sumer which means a settlement. The city of Uruk had motioned in the Bible as Erich, and may be the name of Iraq was derived from the Sumerian language origin of this word. Just as I miss my son Uruk , he also misses me a lot.
    3- I traveled to almost 20 countries in Asia, Africa,Europe, and North America. Most of these visits are to participated conferences and workshops which are about the global cultural heritage.

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  17. 1. Concentration

    I have a tendency to concentrate on one thing. Everything can be the one thing. It can be a food, a habit, a study, or a computer game. If I like to do, I intend to concentrate on it. For example, when I was a primary school student, I was a boy who enjoyed whirling a top with friends in a small apartment's passage way. If there was a difference with other friends, I seriously was in agony. At that time, coldness of frigid weather, hunger and even allurement of sweet snack was not able to disturb my concentration about my top. I was just immersed in my top. In this way, since I was a child, if I have a interest in one thing, I get my self absorbed in the thing. I have taken an interest in physics and I have dreamed of being engineer. My calm and easily being absorbed character have affected my school records. Since my interest has been in science fields, I have carelessly studied other subjects like history and sociology, so these subjects' grade is not good. On the other hand, the grade of the subjects related with science is almost always high. Such a personality has both advantages and disadvantages. It is one of advantages that I can make the best result in the subject that I focus on. However, it is a disadvantage that I cannot deal with various things at the same time.


    I love to ride a bicycle. In my home country, Korea, I used to ride a bicycle almost every night. In front of my house, there was a stream that runs around whole my city. I used to ride a bicycle along the stream. Most of all, it is really attractive that every time I ride my bicycle, I can feel fresh air and my stress is relieved. Although I go to the same place, the scene of the place looks differently and I feel refreshed. I will buy a bicycle here as soon as possible. I want to feeling again.


    I had learned violin for 9 years from 8 years old. While I was learning violin, I had done orchestra activity at a school and a private academy. As an orchestra member of a private academy, I played violin in regular concerts twice a year. As an orchestra member of a middle and high school, I participated in various contests. Since I did not want to be a violinist, I stopped learning to play violin. However, after stopped learning, I had played violin as a hobby. Playing violin helps me to relax and fulfill my interest.

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  21. 3 things about Aslinur;

    First of all, I like to take photograph and my wish is to become a professional photographer one day. I would like to take lessons ( basic photograph things) in the first break time I would have after IEC program. When I learn how to take good Photos, I will be wandering all the Turkey's cities and taking the most beautiful views and landscape. I do like black and white photos. I find serenity on these objects or things;trees, old houses, cheeries ( on the treee) and mosques. So I would like to take those places' photos.

    Second of all , I wanted to study in media but ive changed my mind. But I still have desire to direct a movie or stand on the backstage and control the movie or theater. When I was in 9th grade I wanted to be actress not in movies but theaters I mean the plays like Crucible, Macbeth,queen lear. I played on plays alot when i was young. I think theater and movies are the most influential things in the world. They can make you cry, anxious, happy( euphoria, irritated, angry, desperate etc. Btw I also love to watch and just love movies ( films).. When I spend time watching, I never feel like wasting time. But when I watch horror movies, I feel like wasting my time. I try to not watch them, because they dont have anything common with real life

    Third of all,(also the last one) I love reading... I can read all day never doing another thing. I can read every kind of book that gives me a lesson, teaches me sth. I found out this hobby when I was in 9 th grade, for 2 weeks in Christmas I was alone at home. In turkey, we dont have televison in our house and also there wasnt internet till I came to u.s (then they got internet to connect with easily). So, if you dont have internet and television, but you have books.On that 2 weeks I read 5 english novels and 3 turkish classics. Since that time I love reading.I found out my desire to read with taht vaation .

    That's it:)

    Also, The biggest fact about me is I am in love with Istanbulll..... Thats myyy cityyyyy.. I know every places and every details about Istanbull. thats the city where I was born and grow up. I miss my city a lot :(( u can live the turkish culture very deeply there :)

  22. 1)I guess I have a sweet tooth as well. I love all kinds of desserts, especially cookies and cakes.Since I came here, I've luckily tasted some chocolate chip cookies which are rarely seen in my country.I love eating those cookies with slightly melting chocolate.The taste is so good.Also, I love cakes like Mont Black , Brownie, strawberry pie and Cheese Cake etc.Sweet things really do bring me happiness!
    2)I started my first dormitory life in Stony Brook.I have never lived apart with my family before, so it’s a brand new experience to me. Actually, I was worried about it a little bit then. I had a two-days roommate, Mohona, who has just moved out last week. Now I have got a new roommate, Jennifer, a senior student. Both of them treat me so nice. They shared food with me and lend me the laptop. I greatly appreciate my good luck of having kind roommates.

    3)I hate rainy days. It always makes me feel blue when I see the gray sky.What's more, I have to be very careful to avoid getting wet while walking outside.It's so uncomfortable in wet shoes and clothings.I really don't want to go out in rainy days.It's a troublesome.In a word, I love sunny days!

  23. Aslinur:

    A good expression for your love of reading is to say that you are a "book worm"--someone who can read all day long.

    Amir--your facts about your home city and Irag are always fascinating.

    Joon--The way I would describe your ability to concentrate intently on one thing is to say that you are "single-minded."

    Kaya-- I am glad you like your roommates!

    I'm finding it fascinating to read everyone's descriptions of their "three idiosyncratic facts."


  24. Well, this comment comes from Joshua, and I hope you can enjoy reading it. Here are three interesting facts about myself.

    Firstly, I would like to talk about my own character; all my friends who have known me well will agree that I’m a perfectionist. I will never stop doing something until I think it’s perfect and feel satisfied when I put myself into it. That means it takes me much longer time to do everything, but the result is not always good. For example, when my mother asked me to clean my room, I wasted almost 2 hours on cleaning those already cleaned floor. The only consequence of my “hard-working” is I didn’t dare to step into my room in two days, and the floor became dirty again after several weeks. I know my “perfectionism” is kind of obstinate, I have heard enough complain or advice from my family and friends, I just can’t control myself from the desire of perfect something in some situation.
    The second fact I would like to share is I love red-cooked pork, a famous dish from my hometown. It is not only my favorites but also my familys’. Before I was born, everyone in my hometown was so poor that only in holiday people can buy little pork. Although we are much richer than before, pork is still necessary for holiday treat. In order to cook it myself when I’m studying in the U.S., I even learned how to cook it during the summer. It’s not very complicated: We need to buy some streaky pork and cut it into small pieces, put it into boiling water for few minutes to clean it. And then, fry it with oil, red sugar and soy sauce very quickly. In the end, stew it with water, garlic, shallot, wine and other flavor. I wish I could cook for the class at the end of this semester if possible. And here is a picture of it.
    The last thing I would like to introduce about myself is collecting T-shirts which called “Singlet”, those T-shirts with special sign or icon is my hobby. It begins when I first came to American as a tourist, I bought a T-shirt with “I love (heart) NY” as an evidence for “I have been here”. After that, I found T-shirts are really good objects for collection: they are cheap, easy to carry and wash, there are very cute icons on it… And the most important is I feel that dressing T-shirts with special icons is not only fashion among young people but also a “declaration of personality”; they can help me to show myself to everyone and that makes me feel unique. So far, I have collected a lot of T-shirts and the topics include: Super Mario, environmental protection, Olympic Games, and a special one with three big FBI above and a small line below said “female body inspector”. To be honest, maybe I will never put on that FBI one and walk on the street, but I may keep this collection hobby for long time.

  25. Here is an apologize for I post my comment so late at this midnight. I hope this will cause no inconvenience for you and no reduce for my grade. lol
    a little more complaint: I was feeling terrible on political science 102... It's gonna to be very hard for me even in my own language...

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  27. I think im the last one to post my comment! i apologize to everyone.... Because my computer problem, the internet didnt stable T.T

    ok i gonna talk more about me....
    First, i have a younger brother which is five years younger than me. There is quite difference for chinese family because the birth control by the chinese government. Each family only has one child.So sometimes i told others I have a younger brother, they would be very surprised. They would say, how your family can have two child? Actually, when my brother comes to the world, he need to pay some money to the government. That;s the policy of birth control in China.Fortunately, precisely because I have a brother, I am not like other children are so lonely. Although in our childhood, my brother and i would get "fight" each other, we are closer now! I love my brother, i love my family!

    second, I am a shopaholic. As you can see, i have lots of clothes, bags, some bling bling stuff. I cant stop my shopping desires that when i see something i like, i would buy it. I go to shop maybe once a week. I know this is not good personality, but i try change the idea of how to shop. Well, I am grateful to my father. He spoil me so much, so I never worried about money. I can buy some things what i want whether the stuff is expensive, i even have many luxury products. I have too many clothes because I like to dress up myself. My mother always asked me that did i wear all of my clothes once ? Because too many clothes that i guess some of them are new that i never wear them yet. I will say, Please forgive the heart of a girl's beauty!!! I gonna my shopping desires, i told my mom i would never buy clothes within three months! However, my mon didn't trust me, she say she cant believe her dauther will stop shopping! OKAY! WILL SEE!

    Finally, i would like to talk about my hobby. I like to play the piano, the violin, swimming, volleyball, travelling and so on. I learned how to play the piano for 15 years which is a quite long time! Ive already pass the highest level for amateur. I am not the professional piano player, i won't be a pianist. Actually i didn't like to play the piano. My mother wanted me to have more interests. She thought these are good for girls which they have a good self-cultivation and speciality. When i was a child, i hate play the piano. Sometimes my mother would reprimand me, she was so angry that i did't listen to her.I think the piano is very boring, I give it up once, but i kept going at last. Well now i love playing the piano. When i felt sad, the piano would make me more relax and happier. Moreover. Violin is my second speciality.Because i love a violin song which is from japanese song, i fall in love with violin. that's why i started to learn the violin. But most i love is traveling. ive been to many countries, such as Japan, France, Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Maldives and so on.....I am thankful for my parents that bring me to these so beatuful places. One of my drama is travelling around of world!

    that's me !

  28. Alexandra:
    My older sister was identical twins. However, another sister could not survive because we did not know there were twins there. Fortunately, I have only one older sister, so I will be survived.
    I love chocolate, too. I love the brand of Milano.

    You are not really extroverted. You are active to say hi to me today. I feels you are friendly.

    There are a lot of DVD you can borrow in the library. Hope you will enjoy it!!
    WOW~ Can I see you muscles?

    You explained your ethnicity in details. This demonstration helps me to know your traditions.
    You are the person who triggers me to write more in the blog.

    I feel better that I have older sister in the State. You know, when you need a hand, your relatives will be willing to support you all the time.

    I have no idea who you are.
    I love the sea, yet I do not know how to swim. I am afraid of water. I do not know why~

    Hey! Man~
    I think you really want to make friends with classmates!! Let’s do it!! But you have to teach me how to play tennis in patience, and then I will be willing to be your friend!! Dude~

    I admire you write your diary with your true heart. I hope I will. However, I usually writer the fun experiences on the blog because I know everyone could read it. I know there are some functions you can block the diary that you do not want to share other people. Maybe the privacy button~

    Everybody has double personality because we will appear different responses under different surroundings and situations. I think having different personality could be a good protection in a reality world.

    WOW~ You have traveled almost 20 countries!! I admire you~ I hope I could do the same thing as you did.

    I really enjoy riding a bike. I tell you a secret that I learned to ride a bike this year. When I was a child, I was too scared to do everything. I did not even give a try. This year, I needed to take a part time job in a restaurant and usually got off duty at midnight. Therefore, it is necessary for me to ride a bike because there is no bus service at midnight. Right now, I am very good at riding a bike and enjoy so much!!

    I think I can be your model if you do not mind.

    I think you are an adorable girl so that everybody is willing to help you. Cherish this good relationship.

    I agree with your friends that you are a perfectionist. In the class, you are active and outstanding classmates. I wish I could have that earnest attitude in the class. Good job!!

    After arriving to the State, I think I become a shopaholic. I love to go shopping!! The reason is that it is so boring to live on campus after the classes.

  29. Melody:
    it's so cool that you've experienced being a model.Can I have a look of those beautiful pictures?;)

    I envy you for traveling abroad in so many countries.I wish to travel a lot in foreign countries before I kick in the bucket.

    I can see you miss your hometown, Istanbull a lot.I feel a little bit homesick these days as well.

  30. Joshua:
    I become so hungry after seeing the picture of red-cooked pork...It's a popular and common dish in Taiwan.

  31. Kaya:

    of course!! I post my model pictures in my facebook. My facebook is Melody Lin. I think it will be easier for you to find my file with e-mail,
